HO HO HO Merry Christmas!!
Day 2 of 12 days of Christmas!!
4 Smudges for 50% off!! Regular price $74 , ON SALE for $37
Buffalo Sage is the most common of the Sage Family and is found throughout the Prairies it is used for purification of mind, body and spirit and sacred articles in advance of prayers and ceremonies.
California Sage Stick is used in ceremonies and rituals for centuries. White sage is often burned to create its own intended effects. Burning sage is also known as smudging, which is a ceremony used to help people, places, or even objects get rid of negative energy or bad spirits.
Cedar is a strong disinfectant and used to rid of any type of lung infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. It is effective for sinus conditions. Cedar leaves are used to treat tuberculosis. A tea is made to fix twisted face due to a stroke splash on face. Also used as a smudge and one of the four sacred smudges.
Sweetgrass Is one of the four sacred medicines in the Indigenous culture. It is used in smudging and ceremony as it is healing and purifying. It is braided into three strands that symbolize kindness, love, and honesty or mind, body and soul. It is such an important traditional medicinal herb; it is used in ceremonial smudging and is thought to keep evil away from the home. Attractive, dried braids of this grass are much in demand. A tea can be made from it, to thin the blood and the smoke is inhaled to treat colds. Sweet grass is used in some aromatic pipe tobacco mixtures.